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Extreme Terrain

Crested Butte Colorado has some of the most difficult inbound terrain in the country. From steeps from 45 to 60+ degrees or grades of 100 to 170 percent, this is the perfect destination for the gutsy and fearless. Make the Nordic Inn B&B your base camp for fresh powder days.

Thank you to Travel Crested Butte for this awesome video

Crested Butte has some of the most difficult inbound terrain in the country. The steeps, typically from 45 to 60+ degrees, or grades of 100 to 170 percent, make it a perfect destination for the gutsy and fearless. Heck, we've even host the annual Extreme Freeskiing Championships here in Crested Butte for the past 13 years!


Two surface lifts — The North Face and the High Lift — access most of extreme terrain and runs can easily take a half hour or longer. Depending on where you go, there may be some hiking involved. Think narrow chutes (some with mandatory airs), exposure, and North America’s steepest cut run— the aptly-named Rambo. If your idea of a perfect ski day includes getting a tiny bit gripped on top of a line, come see us in Crested Butte. We’ll be in the line-up at one of the t-bars or billy-goating down angle gully.

Get The Inside Scoop

Gunnison Crested Butt's favorite extreme skiers, Frank and Brittany Konsella, explain their 6 Favorite lines in the Crested Butte Extremes. Frank and Brittany are the 4th and 9th person to ski all of Colorado’s 14,000-foot+ peaks and long-time Crested Butte residents, so you can trust their advice.


Special thank you to for all Extreme Terrain information.

Telephone: +1 970 349 5542

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Website by Hopscotch Design

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